Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Break

Wow! It is spring break and there are kids everywhere doing all sorts of things. When I went to work out this morning they were having life guard certifications. Made our aerobics class a little more exciting and their life guard training sort of odd for them with a bunch of old ladies and men on the other side of the rope and they are trying to be so cool and life guardy and all. I called out to one I know and she, after a double take, acknowledged me. I'm sure that was the high point of her day.

Totally understanding that children and teenagers would be in all of the theaters and virtually anywhere my husband and I might have wanted to go, we chose to stay home and watch a high brow movie. I selected "The Year One" for its characters, Michael Cera and Jack Black. They are so next up on the Academy Awards...doncha think? It was an inspiring movie, in that I could give hubby a hard time about who all the characters McLovin and 13 from House, Olivia Wilde, and on and on. I loved this afternoon movie session. There is even a McLovin name generator on the internet , but I was leery of that thing. There is a You Tube of that scene from the movie, Superbad. It was an interesting afternoon.

We meet with hubby's high school class tonight for dinner...well, a burger from Pappa's Burgers . We just saw on tv how crowded it is to get from here to where they are meeting...we will stay home. Except I just remembered we are supposed to get information about when we are supposed to go to help out at the Food Bank. There is never any rest...I think we should go back to work so we could get some relief.


  1. A most enjoyable post to read, I love to read how other people on Blogland spend their time,
    It never ceses to amaze me what some people do, Have a wonderful day.
    Take care.

  2. Probably a smart move to hide from the Spring Breakers. Will have to check out Year One. Hate to miss an Oscar contender:)))

  3. I need to go back to work to get some rest, too, Amber. I guess I used to just go to work and come home and go to bed. Now, that I am retired, I run all the time, babysit, clean, check on the sick, etc, etc, etc,. Never a dull moment!

  4. Boy! I'm glad I live where NOBODY goes for Spring Break -- as a matter of fact, all OUR kids LEAVE for Spring Break!!! LOL!
