Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ups and Downs and finally down and Out

How is everyone? Life has been a little on the wild side around here and after I got home from a meeting this morning I went back to bed and stayed there. I had a low temp of 100.9 so I slept most of the day.

Anyway a friend sent me a link to this page of the volcanic eruptions and how it is going on the farmers and their animals down below. It is fabulous camerawork.

You can see it here. I hope you enjoy and or freaked out as much as I was looking at them. The power of nature is unreal.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I can finally get my pictures up from the big Dallas meeting.


  1. pictures are cool.. thanks for sharing...they came out of Boston

    hope you feel better


  2. Yes nature can so unpredictive,
    Hope you feel better son.
    Take extra care.

  3. Hi Amber, Hope you are feeling better by now. I love those days when I just lay around in my pj's all day and do nothing! It is cloudy here today and I am not in the mood to do much. Feel better!

  4. Awed... that's what I am. And once again, I can't help asking... God, what are you DOing? But all these things must happen... and it IS amazing to watch.

  5. Gosh, I hope you beat that fever. Rest is good. I forget, do you feed it or starve it. Take care.

  6. Take it easy. Photos can wait. after atrip to Springfield MO 1 week after long trip to NC, I am home with feet up, too pooped to pop. Hmmmm wonder there that expression came from....maybe I don't want to know, at least not tonight.

  7. Rest well and get better. We can wait.

  8. At least you weren't sick for Bossy. or did she give it to you?

  9. I hope you soon will be feeling better, it was very interesting about the Volcanic ash.

    Take care.
