Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Big Fish

My grandson's birthday is coming up soon and I've been keeping an eye out for weird things he might like. I found this gigantic fish pillow the other day and think it will make a good addition to his tree house. He loves that retreat and has actually allowed me up into it once.
The fish is about 5' long...and I thought for a little while hubby was going to take it and I'd have to go buy another for the kiddo. It really is pretty neat and will make a good floor pillow to loll around on...when it cools off some.


  1. I don't know. I think I'd carp about that gift if somebody gave it to me. ;)

  2. LOL! I think that fish is a great gift for him - and his fort! I'm sure he'll love it!!! You rock Grandma!

  3. Your grandson will love that pillow! What a neat idea. I had mine overnight last night. He is one and I am ready to fall over. He sure keeps me hopping!

  4. That is toooo cute! At first glance, I thought it was one of those 'singing' fish plaques that you hang on the wall. Those are a hoot too. Looks like a gift to be remembered.
