Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thoughts for the day

November 18th -Today I'm grateful for having an automobile that doesn't give me a lot of trouble. In Texas there is not much public transportation so I am most grateful to have a car to get around. It is 10 years old and still runs very well. The finish is still good and the seats are comfortable. It has been paid off for many years and not having a car payment is really nice. I nearly had a fit of envy over my dil's new car, but was able to beat that demon down.

This morning it is really pretty brisk...nearly freezing and I'm particularly grateful for my heavy robe. It is so warm and snugly. It is only for the really cold days...otherwise it would be way too warm. So, I'm grateful to have some cold weather, too.

On the in law front, my husband went to the court yesterday and he is now their guardian. The nurse from the assisted living place is going out to talk to them today. She will evaluate them to see if they are able to manage in an apartment type setting. That way they could have some of their furniture from home, but have 24/7 care. The facility is very close to where we live and it would be easy for us to pick them up to come over for a visit. The facility has a van to take them for other appointments. It would be such a break for my husband to not have to take them for every appointment.


  1. Praise the Lord! Amen! I am SO glad your hubby got that taken care of! THAT is wonderful! I know it's going to be hard doing the actual moving of them... but once they ARE moved, life is just going to get MUCH better!

    I'm really enjoying autumn this year. We haven't had COLD weather yet - just one light frost. No hard frost yet.

    I bought a big old bathrobe for the guest bedroom -- so guests have a bathrobe... I don't! I have had several and I NEVER wear them... so I gave that up!

    Good for you beating down that envy demon! I'm sure the "payments" helped whap it on the head a few times!

  2. OH! The wood of the napkin holder smells HEAVENLY! I don't know what to compare it too though -- it's sort of spicy and incensey and churchy! It really does remind me of the smell of my old childhood church! And now I'm wondering what the pews were made of!

  3. I think I would have put the court appearance results as #18, 19 or something....

    But I am sitting here wrapped in my comfy robe, too.
