Inside was warm and cozy, and I'd been looking for that can of compressed air.
Plants had been put in the greenhouse for safekeeping.
Even the reindeer with pearls in her antlers and red baubles, too was watching all that was happening, and Frosty with his two small reindeer were a bit surprised when it began to snow, as were we.
There was a total of 3" of snow that night. And it was the first official White Christmas in Fort Worth. It was a magical night.
I couldn't sleep the other night and while surfing the vast wasteland of tv this came on. I couldn't figure out wtf! I was pretty sure I wasn't stoned and hadn't dropped acid, but couldn't figure out what in the world. I found this just now. I think it is hilarious. I'm telling you that Vince is something else. And the dj who put this together was a man after my heart. The dancers are hysterical. *LOL*
OH Yes...we are in a winter storm warning again, and it is snowing like crazy. We are the new North Pole, I think. *grin* I love snow and so it is fine with me...also, I didn't have to get out today!
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! We had a white Christmas for the first time ever in Fort Worth! When I recover from all the up...I'll post some of the pictures. We even have snow that fell on Christmas Eve on the ground today! It was a most unusual Christmas for us.
Everyone in the house is exhausted and still in pjs and eating leftovers. Time for my trip back to the sofa and tv.
I said the ninja cat would be my last post until after Christmas, but my cousin sent this link from North Pole, Alaska. She used to live there and misses it terribly. The ice sculptures are very cool. This is from her email. I hope you enjoy them.
"This is just down from my house. Click on the links to see some beautiful ice carvings. I don't know why they don't have all the ice carvings pictured, but the ones they do show you will enjoy. There is also a link to see how they harvest the ice; the pond is only a mile from my house.
In March Fairbanks has a much bigger one, I will send the link to that one when it opens."
I was somewhere on the net today and I truly do not remember which blog owner it was that couldn't spell roux. I'm not trying to put them down, but it was not spelled anywhere near how it is supposed to be. I hope they drop by and see this. Making a roux is fun and it is pronounced roo. It is a miracle stuff that makes food and gravy wonderful.
It is equal portions of butter and flour. A blonde roux is very light in color and a dark roux is very dark and sometimes I just get tired of stirring to get it to be just right.
When I make breakfast gravy it is a white roux...just flour and butter cooked until it is thick and then add the milk slowly while stirring. Sometimes we add some sausage to the gravy and yum.
I make a medium roux when the roast beef is done and moved to a cutting board to rest. Then I deglaze the pan by putting some canned broth or even water to where the juices have cooked down and left the brown bits from cooking the roast. I mix the butter and flour in with the dark part. Those bits are very much the tastiest stuff ever. The gravy for a roast does not have cream gravy like the morning gravy. It is darker and if you have some demi glace...or this recipe from Saveur, well, you're ready for a heavenly experience. I buy it at Central Market, because I just don't have the time to make it from scratch. Plus I don't get to eat meat enough to merit all that I just love going to Central Market. There are so many unusal things there.
Just remember when you are making a roux to cook the flour/butter mixture to get the raw flour taste out of the sauce...whether it is a blond roux, a medium roux, or a dark roux. I've seen jars of rouxs in the grocery store, but have an aversion to even trying the product. It just doesn't seem right for some reason...that being it looks like axle grease and would probably be a waste of money.
There is another little trick I learned from Martha Stewart's show last year around Thanksgiving. You mix equal parts of butter and flour, that I thought she called buerre blanc, but apparently I'm mistaken. But it makes the BEST gravy ever. Butter at room temperature is mixed by hand with an equal part flour. It can be dropped by little balls into the gravy to thicken and it makes it so rich. I was a little goofy from working on it for a while. My daughter's mil and sister were watching me make and taste over and over and asked how it was. I just could only tell them it was good gravy. That got a biggo laugh. It has about 20 million calories in it, but it is worth it. I may not have told ya'll that I truly love good gravy.
Here is a sensible link if you want to make great gravy.
I found that link when I couldn't remember the word "fond" to dazzle you with my "culinary skills". My daughters and son are wonderful cooks. This year I may sit back and watch them make great food. We are still having that brined pork roast for Christmas Day. and my wonderful husband got us a ham so we can have sandwiches and ham for breakfast.
I'm starting to feel like it is going to be a Tuesday to remember tomorrow. The side effects of the Methotrexate have already begun. Sometimes it doesn't bother me nearly at all and other is hang on to your hat. This is going to be one of those day. Maybe we are caught up enough I can take a day off and rest, sip 7-Up and eat little dry crackers....starting right now.
So, on the assisted living front with my mil in full baying mode life is not so good. Yesterday she interrupted a church service, to let them know all about it. From now on my husband and I will have to wear a disguise if we were ever to go back. Actually, he is down at the facility talking to the administrator of the facility right now. Her doctor has finally gotten around to prescribing something a little stronger than Zanax twice a day and hopefully this will calm her down some. Sheesh! The other residents are complaining about her. She can't go home, but there are a lot of homes out there that are certainly not as nice as this one that costs a fortune every month, and we are trying to figure out what they do for that much money.
I told my husband this is like when the kids were in school and they would do something goofy and we would get the call from the school. She really needs to be in the Alzheimer's ward. It is more expensive, but this just isn't working out. The hospital is keeping my fil again today. I think they are shocked at the level of dementia he has, and they are having other doctors come in to evaluate him. His primary doctor has NO idea how bad it is with him or her, and I'm pretty mad about that. She used to complain how he wouldn't talk to her when she had an appointment, but would look at the computer and give her a prescription. I guess he was practicing medicine by osmosis or something.
Yesterday my husband's father had to go to the emergency room because of chest pains. The assisted living place called an ambulance for him and called us. They had called about 20 minutes before to talk with my husband about how things are going with them out there. They told my husband how his dad was just the nicest guy and everyone just loved him, but not so much with my husband's mother. They suggested we still not come around for a while because my mil gets so upset and gets wanting to go home.
We went to the ER to meet his dad and find out what is going on. At first the ER doc didn't think there was too much. We talked with her and she took a history. At last a doctor who cared enough to ask some questions. I don't have a high opinion of his personal physician. Anyway, they kept him overnight and will keep him again tonight, and his cardiologist will see him tomorrow. They are treating him with IV Lasix, because there is some swelling of his ankles and lower legs. He had a heart attack in 2005, but for some reason hasn't been to see the cardiologist in a long time. All the turmoil of the past couple of weeks is taking its toll on him, actually all of us. My mil has not been very kind lately and is continuing without stop telling anyone within a hundred miles that she wants to go home.
My husband does not want his father in the same room with her when he goes back. There is an Alzheimer's unit and in our opinion that is where she needs to be. My fil is much worse mentally than he was just a couple of months ago. He is not making any sense anymore. Hopefully that is caused by the fluid and the strain he has been under lately. He still recognizes us, and lights up when we come in the room. However, he was unable to answer any of the doctor's questions last night.
Regarding my mil, I have no idea why they do not call her physician and get something a little Haldol or some other anti psychotic. When the assisted living placed called her doc when she was being so nutty about having to move out there, he prescribed Xanax every 8 hours. That is a drop in the bucket compared to what she needs. I truly feel for her that she had to leave her home and everything there and go live somewhere that isn't like home at all, but that is the only alternative. The problem is that they are no longer in any shape, form or fashion able to care for themselves. We thought they were eating when we were bringing food over, but they would eat what we brought and then just act like everything was fine. We found there wasn't anything much in the house they could remember how to cook and to eat. There was plenty of food they just couldn't figure out what to do to get it to a state they could eat. Peanut butter and crackers was all they could manage we discovered while they were telling us they were just fine and all.
It has been a difficult couple of days for everyone after all. Our daughter called and she was in town visiting a school friend who is very ill in the hospital. The doctors aren't too sure what is wrong with her, but she is hemorrhaging and her white count is low. The docs don't know, but think possibly it is cancer. Our daughter came by this morning to visit for a few minutes and have breakfast. Pedro called on the phone this morning to tell us he was doing the in-laws yard today. I tried to get him to not do theirs and come do ours. Nope...he will do ours on Thursday. That is our day. I finally just gave up and said ok. I hope he is here when the daughter who is mysteriously fluent in Spanish gets here. She says he doesn't speak Spanish very well...another mystery in a life filled with them.
It has just got to be naptime soon.
PS-I hope Pedro has a blast raking all the leaves while they are wet from the rain on Wednesday. I'll remind him I wanted him to come on domingo and not el jueves. Pedro just wouldn't listen to me.
The countdown is on. Tried to call my youngest...she hasn't called back...yet. We were wondering when they were going to come in for Christmas. I know when the others are coming, but not the cow tail one.
It seems the closer Christmas gets the more I find to do. A small bed of pansies and violas and cabbages were planted this afternoon out by the backdoor...much later than we usually get them into the ground. I know we were much more organized last year. However, we didn't have as many distractions from the in laws, bless their hearts, but could just get on with it. Caring for them came to be my husband's work. It must have filled a need he had to have a lot of complicated paperwork to keep sorted out for them. He hasn't had a lot to do since he retired four years ago. All he had to do to get the power of attorney and to be named their in charge of everything guy, was a maze of complications for sure. Also, last year I didn't know about the rheumatoid arthritis...just thought I was tired a lot..or lazy, more like it. That is getting better since I started water aerobics. Much better indeed. However, from time to time I do still get very fatigued.
I'm sure I won't be attending the Friday water aerobics class any longer. The instructor for that class is very negative. Today she was complaining about the people in the class who didn't show up. For one thing it is the week before Christmas and most of us have a ton of tasks to complete. I know I do for sure. She was downright tacky in the way she treated us until I said that it might be wiser to be glad we were there, if the others were not. The others stopped attending that class because of the way she treats people. Our other teacher is such a sweet young woman and actually knows a lot about which exercises are helpful to us. This week I asked for more balance exercises and she came up with some fun ones and they do help. While I was waiting for class to start I thought I'd swim a lap or two. Well, I found out I don't remember how to swim and that really threw me for a loop. My mother and I used to go to the pool for lessons in the hot summer mornings. I was even allowed to take life saving lessons. And now! to think I couldn't swim. It was awful and too cold to swim in my home pool. I'm going to stick with it and learn again, by golly. I think it is almost criminal for parents to not take their children to swim lessons. My half sister can't swim and that bothers me, but now I can't either. *getting off my soap box now and getting back to normal sort of*
Got some silver plate polished tonight. I haven't a clue why I ever bought a silver plate coffee service, but I did and it really needed a shine. Also, finally got the creche put up and it looks great on the serving cabinet next to the dining room table. The palms were a little crunched up, but opened up with some help. Our Joseph was in fine shape as were the others. Someone who comes by this blog had a problem with her Joseph once.
So many things to try to still get done. The little cedar in a huge pot outside doesn't have the red shiny balls and gold tinsel on it yet, either. Maybe tomorrow.
For our dinner I'm thinking of making the Orange Preserve Cake mentioned in the "Father Tim" books. I bought Jan Karon's cookbook, as well as, all of the series a while back and never really looked at the cookbook too much. For one thing I live in the South and know how to make pickled cucumber salad, but when I read the recipe for that cake it sounded so good, and not chocolate for a change. Don't get me wrong I love chocolate for sure. Anyway, if I can find 3 nine inch cake pans I'll let you know how it comes out. I'm not going to be ready by tomorrow night when my brother and sister in law have our annual Christmas get together. This year the theme is to bring something around your house you no longer want and it has to be a pretty good old socks or stinky tennis shoes. Last year the theme was items from "As Seen On TV". That was fun, however, ours was "As Seen At Sam's". They were a hit. So this year, I have some pewter ornaments for the tree I'm going to share and a lighted sleigh. I have no idea where the sleigh came from so I guess it fits the criteria alrighty and it is still in the box. I'm sure someone will love it. It might make a nice place to put a small vase of flowers in or something. Oh is a Chinese Christmas, too.
At some point I am going to have to clear out this computer room so I can make sure there is enough for everyone. When $20 is the limit...well, it is easy to forget what it was that was ordered for who and has it got here yet.
Our weather is supposed to turn on Wednesday. That is the day my kids from the Houston/Galveston area are flying up here. It may storm, but I wish it wouldn't. Our house if full of boxes they have had sent to our house so they don't have to bring it with them. I'll have the paper, bags, scissors and tags ready for them when they show up. On Christmas Eve it is supposed to get really cold and stay that way over Christmas Day. It will be nice to have some really cold weather. I remember Christmases when it was nearly 80 degrees...that isn't very Christmasy.
Enjoy your day of whatever you plan to do and I wish you a Christmas filled with family and friends and fun and plenty to eat. We can excercise later and I know an aerobics teacher I'd be happy to send to you. *angelic smile*
I feel like the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland right now. We have been so busy, but the assisted living place told my husband it would probably be better if we didn't visit right now. That is one less thing today. They, the in laws, are settling in and actually went to a Sing Along the other day. We, on the other hand are going to weigh about one ton each by the New Year from all the parties and food...and the YMCA is going to be open on New Year's Day. I told them I wouldn't be there. I don't drink, so no horrific hangover for me, but that is a family day of football, blackeyed peas, cornbread and leftover ham, not a day to work out. *note to self to buy a ham* Our actual Christmas dinner will be a 9 pound pork roast that will be brined and cooked with brown sugar bourbon glaze...and lots of vegetables. I am going to make my praline sweet potatoes and if nobody wants any, well they'll just miss out.
Our kids will start to arrive December 23rd. I guess the other one(s) [her boyfriend is coming with her, and when they retire they are going to go to chili cookoffs and ride motorcycles] will come about the same time. We are going to spend Christmas Eve with everyone at our son's home and have dinner with them. That will be fun. I'll probably be the designated driver for that event.
Today is our 45th anniversary and I guess we are going to try to make some inroads at the house. However, I've been whining for a new Fossil watch that is water resistant and the one I'm looking at is resistant to 100 meters...far deeper than I'll ever go voluntarily. It has lots of sparklies on it, too. So, actually not a good watch for snorkeling, either. Eels and barracudas like sparkly stuff. And I get to go with him to return some clothes we had ordered for his mom to Coldwater Creek. There is always something there I like. I wonder what he might like?
Anyway, I'm late for a very important date and will see ya'll when I can find a few minutes to surf. Ya'll are in my heart and thoughts...especially the one with the weird indention at the notch in her throat. She can put a quarter in it...isn't that something! I've looked at mine and it isn't as fat as I thought, but I couldn't put much of anything in that notch...not even say a dime....whereas she can keep spare change in hers. She is hilarious, too.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Just got home from running errands and found there is hardly any Christmas decorations left in the stores!! The time has flown like crazy. I had to take back a little yard stake that was warped to Garden Ridge and they had spring stuff out. Same deal at Sam's and Hobby Lobby, no ornaments. We had plenty, so it wasn't a panic day. Got the tree decorated last night after getting home from scouring the in laws' house to find stuff that if they were to be broken into it wouldn't be the end of the world.
My husband didn't want to take that much, but I convinced him we would never be able to restock it if something happened to it.
Oh gosh..I just looked at the time and I have to run. Meeting in an hour and I don't have a clue where it is. Laterz all.
Today was a long day and even though the maids came it is still hard as heck to get everything put where it needs to go. They don't know where to put stuff and will just clean around it. As you have noticed if you have been reading the epic saga of the in laws, everybody needs a nap. So, my thinking is this...we made spaghetti sauce tonight....I foolishly thought we were going to have spaghetti, but was surprised with elbow macaroni instead know the long spaghetti. So we had Beefaroni our way...and there is enough sauce left to make the real deal one night soon. That was really funny when I got to the table. Hubby finished the dinner I'd started, but I hadn't gotten the pasta out yet. I had said one day this week we had a lot of elbow mac and some other kinds and penne. I guess the gigantic pink glass jar I store the spaghetti in just didn't register with him. It was sweet and I was speechless...and then laughed. I wondered why he kept asking me if I wanted a spoon...silly me.
Happy dreams tonight and hope you get done all you want to get done tomorrow. Our tree is in parts on the floor where it is going to be. I'm just not up for decorating it yet.
Do you buy a real tree or a reusable tree? We used to buy a real one, but the fear of a fire was too much for me, especially with three little ones in the house....but let us know what you do about a tree.
I'll be lollygagging on the sofa watching old movies and such.
Things did not improve much on the mil front today. She is still going on about going home. She has no idea how close she is to going to the Alzheimer's ward. The staff called last night to tell us my husband's father fell as he was coming out of the bathroom. They checked him over and he didn't seem to have suffered any ill effects from it.
Tonight they called to tell my husband she threatened one of the staff with her walker. That is very serious behavior. However, it might work out better if my fil is in the regular assisted living and she is in the Alzheimer's ward. It is allowed for him to visit her, if he wishes. My husband is going to show him how to get to the dining room so he can get a cup of coffee and maybe meet some of the guys out there, but mainly to get a break from her harping continually. I've seen people playing card games and dominos in the public areas. I don't think he would be able to remember too much how to play, but while he was with me yesterday he seemed to understand a lot more and to talk more.
It is very sad and terrible what is going on in their lives now, and I hope I don't live that long. Far better, to my way of thinking for my body to go before my mind. I'm pretty sure there won't be too much problem with that. All those years of smoking and drinking and carrying on...well, let's say I probably won't make it to 92. However, my dad made it to a very ripe old age and he was an alcoholic and had a stroke. What finally done him in was bladder cancer. Whuda thunk. It has been a very long time since I've had anything to drink and 2 years 8 months and some days since I quit smoking. April 1st will be the three year anniversary of quitting. Every now and then I wish for one, but then I smell somebody who smokes and yuck. The carrying on was never that much and probably won't be a contributing factor in my demise. All the worrying with the people I've had to care for in my life probably will be.
All of the turmoil has been so hard on my husband. His b/p was up the other day to 195/95 and he has low b/p normally. It came down during the day and was down today, but this has been very difficult. We both feel for his mother and her wish to live in her own home, but even if we got 24/7 care unless we hired nurses...and I'm not sure if an LVN would be enough or not. The aides cannot administer medications, and someone would have to buy their groceries, and it goes on and on. We gave it serious thought, but it seemed the assisted living situation seemed the best way to go for all of us. My husband doesn't have any brothers or sisters to help with them, either. It is the two of us struggling to make sense of a bad situation. We have followed all the rules and regulations. If we had continued with the way it was we might have been open to elderly abuse charges for not having someone with them all the time, and we just can't move in with them or them with us. It is hard for us, too. We haven't been anywhere in a while. A couple of years ago we got away for a few days to Port Aransas, but they were better then. We can barely get away for a movie now days.
It was a pretty unbelivably Gosh awful day. It was moving day for the inlaws and OMG. My fil went with me as sweet as could be and like a little lamb. He had lunch and something warm to drink while I was doing something.
On the other hand my husband was left with his mother. I wouldn't say she is hard headed and strong willed, but it took hubby, the lady that helps her, three constables, and two Medstar ambulance guys to finally pry her out of the house. It was most unpleasant and she was in a royal snit by the time she got to the Assisted Living place. Then I became the subject of her venom and it was ok. It doesn't bother me...I just tell her what the court, her doctor, a nurse and a couple of social workers said...which was that neither of them is able to care for themselves or each other at all...ever...even with help. They may move her over to the more disturbed ward or she may decide she loves it there, too.
My little fil was just happy as a clam all day. When I was taking him to the room, they had put him in a transfer a wheelchair without the foot business...he was waving and telling the ladies hello and all. We didn't see any gentlemen on our way back. I really think he will be very happy to live there. Anyway when the "fire breathing dragon" got there it got so bad I went to sit in the hall. She followed me and was stamping her walker up and down and telling me how she was going to go home. I wryly commented that she seemed to have had a miracle cure of the arthritis in her hip. She has osteoarthritis and it is extremely painful to walk. That is just how mad she was. Hopefully it will get better in the next few days.
I can't bear to leave you with the dreadful goings on of the day, so here is a joke I got in the mail today. It made both of us laugh and I hope it does the same for ya'll. Celibacy
Celibacy can be a choice in life, or a condition imposed by circumstances.
While attending a Marriage Weekend, Walter and his wife, Ann, listened to the instructor declare, 'It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other."
He then addressed the men, 'Can you name and describe your wife's favorite flower?'
Walter leaned over, touched Ann's arm gently, and whispered, 'Gold Medal-All-Purpose,right?'
I got this in an email and it is cute and for a good cause.
"Our daughter-in-law, Emily (MacInnes) Somers, created, directed and choreographed this in Portland last week for her Medline glove division as a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness. This was all her idea to help promote their new pink gloves. I don't know how she got so many employees, doctors and patients to participate, but it started to really catch on and they all had a lot of fun doing it. When the video gets 1 million hits, Medline will be making a huge contribution to the hospital, as well as offering free mammograms for the community. Please check it out. It's an easy and great way to donate to a wonderful cause, and who hasn't been touched by breast cancer?"
There was some concern that if you watched the video on my blog it might not count, so here is the link to where it is on You Tube...actually it is linked to You Tube when you click in the picture box. The URL
As of 10:26pm today there have been 4,452,012 views. It is getting on up there.
When we left water aerobics today, some of us are faster than others leaving the locker room. I took my time today and made sure I had everything I had brought with me. Last Wednesday I left my bathing suit. This morning there was quite the hustle and bustle looking for my bathing suit. We looked high and low and I finally got out my old bathing suit, which if I'd looked at the size I'd have not worn it. It is vastly smaller than the blue one.
As I was walking into the Y the bathing suit situation was still on my mind and I was so vexed that we couldn't find it. My instructor, who is an absolute angel and so sweet and nice saw me and said "Good Morning, Amber." I misunderstood her and started telling her about the bathing suit fiasco. We laughed after she said, "I just said good morning." I asked her to throw me a towel if the bathing suit I had on exploded off my body, since it was several sizes smaller than the one I'd been wearing.
After class I was walking back to the front of the building and I was taking my time looking out the windows at the grey skies and misty cold weather when one of the little ladies from my water aerobics class started walking with me. She slipped her arm in mine and we walked silently for a bit and then she started singing, "Hark The Herald Angels Sing". There were so many things that happened this morning, but my memory will be of walking arm in arm with a little old lady down the hall at the YMCA singing Christmas Carols. That is the stuff from which memories are made.
btw-they had my bathing suit at the front desk. Thank You, Jesus!
I was foiled at my attmept to get the h1n1 flu shot this morning. I'll try again at 2pm, but will try to make it down there at 1:30pm...maybe get a head start on them.
We returned to the health center at 1:30pm and there was already a line. We stood in line for a little more than 30 minutes and I was number 89 and hubby was 90. Yay! The workers only gave out 100 tickets for the vaccine. One more thing down.
I'm nearly done with my shopping, too. Got the book I ordered for my grandson today. It is the The Pocket Dangerous Book for Boys: Things to Do. It shows how to make lots of cool things a boy should know in life. There are directions for a periscope and lots of other good stuff. Probably I should have ordered one for my hubby. He loves stuff like that...guess it is the engineer in him. After the shot business we went by Sears and bought a 4' air hockey table for TJ..but Gramma is the one who wants it, really. I wonder if we buy gifts because we like them or because they are the ones the child really wanted. Usually TJ loves what he gets for Christmas from Gramma and Grampa. But he really loves the extravaganza his dad puts on. I might have mentioned our grandson might be a little on the spoiled side...but not that much. He is still positive we are too poor to buy a whole lot of things.
I called our daughter in Galveston while we were standing in line at the health center, and it was snowing down on Galveston Bay. I wonder if PJ got snow. It is supposed to get down to 24F tonight in the Houston area. I told my dil we probably could just get her "C" gift certificates to nurseries for new plants after tonight. I know I had 5 bags of mulch to put in my flowerbeds, but they are still in the garage. My husband doesn't understand the whole point of mulch. He thinks it is something I just made up out of thin air...or as an excuse to spend money. Pedro was her yesterday and he probably would not have charged much to put it out. I'm not up to trying to call him. Bless him...his English is probably better than my Spanish. Sometimes I call "C" to translate for us.
Tonight it is going to be pizza and then kicking back on our new furniture to watch some tv. I didn't remember doing it, but I must have set up a surfing movie to tivo...cuz it is there. I love the documentary surfing movies. "Endless Summer" got me hooked and it has been a love affair ever since. They are making such good ones now...and some of the old school guys have become really old themselves. Age and sun have taken a heavy toll on Bruce Brown in the newer movies. "Riding Giants" was an eye opener and "Step Into Liquid", and the one tonight is "BillabongOdyssey". Laird Hamilton tells what his life was like and there are pictures of him as a boy, they tell how some of the finest surfers have died by waves and being caught by the leg rope in rocks. I don't know where they find the courage. I've never surfed and never will, but I love watching the riders on a long run in the curl. I can hardly wait.
Hubby's folks are moving on Wednesday or Thursday. He is going to tell them this weekend. It will probably be a tough one for all of us, but they won't remember at all...and will be shocked and so upset on the move in day.
Update again-after he went over to heat up their dinner he was nearly nutz from listening to his mother go on and on and on. I'm pretty sure he won't have any troubled feelings about putting them in the assisted living place. None.
I'm going in the morning to try to get the H1N1 shot. They have FINALLY decided Tarrant County can have some of it. I think everyone in Dallas has been immunized. They got all and we got none until now. The reason I'm interested in getting the immunization is I have to take those yucky meds that suppress my immune system and my doc told me if I could get one to do it.
I was so looking forward to a slow day, but the shot thing will be early (9ish) and then to water aerobics and then home to clean and iron. We are drowning in unironed clothes and sheets, but we got new furniture today, by golly. It is very large. It did look large in the store, and it grew on the way here to ourlandish proportions. So, ironing while watching tv is out. Bummer...maybe I can rig something around in the kitchen so I can watch tv and iron.
Today I went with our lunch bunch for our little Christmas outing. It was good to see them and we lunched at a little restaurant in our big park. The trees were beautiful...reds and golds everywhere. We get together once a month and I don't see them much any other time. They all belong to the Woman's Club...very exclusive in our town, and I'm not a member. They have asked, but I'm not sure how I could work it in...and I mean that literally.
One of our other groups had a little get together tonight that was pot luck...I bought a cheese, sausage, and ham with crackers plate and others brought other neat stuff. It was good to sit and chat with people we haven't seen in a while because we have been so busy.
Our calendar is full and I am grateful and happy for it to be so. There have been times when we had nothing to do and not that many friends. Now we have friends and they like or are interested in the same things we do. Found out at lunch one of the ladies who lunches with us and lives a block from me was at that Garrison Keillor show the other night. We could have ridden together. Small world.
I don't know about you all, but I'm worn out with the public lashing of Tiger Woods for fooling around. It is on everytime I turn on the tv all day and most of the night. No wonder some people I know do not watch tv.
People are acting so pious and holier than thou like men in even semi high positions haven't ever ever laid a good looking woman. old husband fooled around and he wasn't anyone special. I do not think it admirable in any sense of the imagination, but it wasn't like he cheated on his score card at the Masters or something truly evil.
I didn't get to the jammie day with the tv remote strapped to my hand today, but it was a good day. I went to water aerobics today and it really helps so much to work out in water. It helps to not have the gravity and to be able to do the Hokey Pokey freely. I really like the class and the ladies in there. One little lady just hugged my neck today like she hadn't seen me in a week...oh has been a week since I've worked out. Too much going on. address how to fall INTO a car. First have your beloved right behind you as you start to enter the car. He is talking and blabbing and I'm not paying attention. I got my left foot caught between the seat and the opening where the door sits when it is closed. Thank goodness he didn't close the thing on me. The way my foot was wedged in that small space caused me to twist it and unknowingly many other parts of my body. So, that is how I fell into the car. The car doesn't have the same weightless qualities of the pool. It wasn't pretty and I was in a pretty good snit over it all. Hubby said that somehow he felt it was all his fault. Bless his sweet heart. Little nerd...I love him.
He had a fun day taking his parents on an outing to get tested for TB. They cannot enter the assisted living home without a clear reading. He finally got them into the car and out to the hospital where their lab is located. He said there was a little old man who suddenly started shouting about "Where is my wheelchair!!!" He was most excited about its disappearance. My hubby looked and the chair had rolled all the way down a very long entry drive, turned a corner and had finally come to rest WAY the heck down the hill. My husband thinks it was the man's wife's wheelchair, but we don't know. A good Samaritan caught it and brought it back up to them. Meanwhile my husband was getting his mom into a wheelchair, he didn't lose his mother down the hill, to take her to the lab. He gave his mother's walker to his dad to help him walk without falling to get to the lab. I know he was needing a beer about this time of this fresh dose of existential hell involving many old people, but he persevered and got the test. It took about 3 hours with all the transfers and driving back and forth and about 2 minutes to get the test. He was tired and hungry when he got back home.
I was going to tell you about the "flying" trip to Coldwater Creek to return stuff and buy stuff, because the coupon was going to expire today! I couldn't let that happen....and I was going to tell you what a great performance Garrison Keillor put on tonight at UTA university. But I'll work on that tomorrow. Suffice it to say, that hubby might need a pj day, too. I invited him to my aerobics class next Wednesday. They are having a contest and bringing someone in would get me a point. :D I dug in my gym bag today to find that Silver Sneaker card to get them to sign that baby, too today! That will get me a FREE silver sneaker T shirt. OMG....I've been up too long I think.
Yesterday I sort of fell into the car yesterday while getting ready to go to the hair salon. It was an ungainly scene and I didn't realize how stiff it had made me until I tried to go to sleep last night. I was up most of the night wondering how this all happened. Probably just more of my grace in action. I'm pretty sleepy today and it is going to be that pajama and tv day...finally. So, my friend sent me this cute little you tube of...well, you probably guessed...a kitten.
I had said today was to be a slow, restful day lolling around in night clothes and...well, that didn't work out. There is hope for tomorrow. It is supposed to start raining and get COLD and they have even quietly mentioned on the weather there might be a snow flake to two on Tuesday. That would be the right day for the two flakes.
The most important plants are in the greenhouse, which I had to rearrange this morning. Hubbs forgot we need to actually get in there to work, water and stuff. Appointment to get my hair cut at 1:30pm turned into a longer session. I'm not sure why, but she was behind on her ladies. I just get the cut that is easiest to deal with. Wash and dry with a vent brush and outta of here. My feminine activities are not the same as most women. I have a curling iron and some travel curlers. I bought those when my hair was longer and I was more into it all...until one day I caught a glimpse of myself and thought I saw my grandmother! My hair was cut immediately. I loved my grandmother Jessie, but she was not a raving beauty. Bless her sweet heart. My two cousins and I were her live in maids from time to time. It gave us time alone with her and we all bonded in our own way with her. She let us do stuff our parents would have had heart attacks if they knew. One year when I was about 6 or 8 she let me plant a peach pit. The next spring I started looking for my peach tree and Lo and Behold there was a rose bush right where my tree should have been. I wondered about that for a long time. My whole world of genetics was shattered at the thought of a peach tree becoming a rose bush. That is probably why I have a minor in biology.
The Maids come today, so we have to pick up stuff and put it away like mad this morning. They clean, but don't pick up stuff like they would know where it might go.
We are staying far away from the malls today. So far it from what they've shown on tv it is as crazy as ever. I did some shopping online last night.
Frog madness continues...TCU is still winning and our mayor is going to turn the Trinity river purple today. I guess it is a priority of how to spend our taxes.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Hope you have a table laden with good food and many family members who have gathered at your home. Eat hearty and remember the leftover turkey sandwiches later on.
We are going to take a turkey dinner over to the in laws (I cooked a turkey last night and already had dressing made and stored in the freezer) and then go to the movie! Hubby has been so busy this past couple of months we need a break to relax.
Enjoy our national day of giving thanks for the abundance of our land.
I just saw on the news the beautiful gown that was presented to Mrs. Obama by the Indian government to wear at the first state dinner. It is the most beautiful gown I've ever seen and it showed off Mrs. Obama's figure so wonderfully. It may be not pc to have such an extravagant gown, but it was a gift from their guests Prime Minister Singh and his wife, Gursharan Kaur. Thank you for such a lovely gown India, it is one of a kind, and has silver thread in it. Our First Lady looked beautiful and so elegant.
I just talked with my dil and her dad came home last night! The hospital where my son and dil live talked with her dad's doctor and he faxed all of the pertinent information to the doctors in Texas. They all decided the prescription he takes to slow his heartrate was causing the problem, and to cut back on that medicine. He is feeling pretty well today. They have decided to stay "home" with the kids and not to drive to Galveston. That will be a nice Thanksgiving for them.
Today I am so grateful for the innovations in communication that allowed the transfer of medical records between a doctor in Georgia and a hospital in Texas in seconds. Fax machines are amazing and really something to be grateful for.
I'm off to clean house and go ahead and cook the turkey today so we can drop off my husband's parent's dinner tomorrow and then we can go to the movies. This will be the first holiday we have ever been able to do this. It has always been cook like crazy, wash all the china, wash and put away the silver, put away all the food, and then collapse with the ads to think about what to get everyone for Christmas. I'm really looking forward to a day without a huge hassle.
That has so happened to one or more of our cats just out of nowhere.
The bad news is my dil's mom and dad are here to visit and he has heart problems. He had an episode this morning of feeling dizzy and woozy. He laid down on the bed to rest and my dil said he looked grayish. They took him to the hospital and will be keeping him overnight. Any prayers regarding John would be very much appreciated. They live in Georgia and I don't know if they drove or flew here. My dil was very upset when I talked to her. I offered to wrangle the little one or anything they might need help with.
We had planned on going to the movie on Thanksgiving Day. I made extra dressing for when we went to the pre Thanksgiving party last weekend. I have a turkey thawed and was going to roast it tomorrow. That way I can make the in laws up a plate of Thanksgiving food and we can slide on out to the movies. That would certainly be a welcome break for me. No cooking and not much clean up...that works and ranks very high on my grateful list.
Ooops....I just couldn't get with it yesterday. On Sunday we went to the camp for the pre-Thanksgiving festivities. We saw a lot of people we hadn't seen in a good while. I love going out there, but 9 times out of 10 I wind up with a terrible asthma/allergy attack. So much for getting out in the weeds for me. This Sunday was no different than most of the ones before. On the way home I started to wheeze and my nose stopped up. After we got home my husband went to his parents' to give them their dinner, and with my usual generosity I told him to take my car. It is more comfortable. After he left I started looking for my inhaler and it was no where to be found. *gak* I thought about going through my pharmacy's website and it looked like there weren't any refills. It was a sad moment. Then I called the pharmacist and had him look at it. He said I had one refill. Thank you, Lord! I found a set of keys to my husband's pos truck and off I went. At first there was a good bit of jerking and lurching around, because it had been a long time since I'd driven a stick shift. I learned on one and have had several stick shift cars, but had opted for the automatic shift the last few years. I was sort of rusty...k.
All the gear issues came to a halt once I'd reached the end of my street and turned onto the main street to the pharmacy. I got down there and I thought I'd never get the pickup into a parking space. The pharmacy closes at 6PM on Sunday and it was nearing the witching time when I got there. He handed me the rx and the which point I nearly fainted. When I was on the regular insurance the inhalers cost about $5...this little baby cost $55.00. After getting over the shock I left to get home. Some lurching, but at least I got home without incident. Used the inhaler and calmed down. When you can't breathe well it is sort of spooky. I then found two other inhalers that had hidden from me earlier. My husband called my supplemental insurance and they were no help.
My daughter in law had left a message while we were out, saying her mom and dad were here and would it be ok to come by and then go over to my mother in law's house for a visit? I had to tell her that I wasn't up to having company yesterday and if they wanted to visit the in laws the morning was the best time. From what I understand they visited for about 15 minutes. They have mentally and physically so much since my dil's parents had seen them, and I'm sure they were surprised, as was my dil.
We are getting along on the assisted living and hope we can get them in before long. My husband is planning on telling them soon. It will be very traumatic for him, but I really don't think his parents will remember it for 10 minutes afterward. I hope it goes well.
On Sunday I was grateful we were able to get home before 6pm and that I had the money to pay for my rx. Monday I was grateful to just rest for a day.
So, anyway I wasn't really up to blogging yesterday.
Today was a warm, but overcast day. It really needed some red and green to brighten the day. I'm ready for some cold weather so it will feel like winter and the holiday season. I shopped online for my kids Christmas and have them all settled. Now if only my dil would let me know what the little guy would like I would be so happy.
I think the kids' idea of a cap on spending of $20 to $25 per person and it all has to fit in one box is fun and is such a good idea (I get to spend more on me...mwahaha and they will not have any debt to get them down after Christmas). I've found some fabulous, well really cool gifts, for them. Then I found some really cool clothes for me at Coldwater Creek....had to do something while waiting on my daughter in law to let me know what our Grandson, Darth Vader, Jr. wants for Christmas. I'd just call our grandson and ask, but he has no sense of money or what things cost. Once when I asked him what he would like he told me a new fortress swingset (his is < 2 years old). He was so funny. He was dead serious and even crossed his arms and leaned against the cabinets like he was about to enter into some serious horse trading to deliver this bit of information. I noticed my son had to leave the room in a hurry. I told him his fort/swingset/hangout was nearly new. He shook his little blonde head and said he thought his dad was going to buy him a new one very soon. He still has the "old" far as I know.
Sometimes, I think my grandson thinks we are very poor, because in the past I've told him we can't afford something outrageous he has had a passing fancy for. He has brought up the subject of our lack of funds before and is kind and understanding of our "predicament". The next time he says something about it, I'm going to tell him that I have enough money for the things I want, but I have to decide how I am going to spend my money the way it will do the most good. I think it might be a small lesson for him if he understands we think about what we really want and how we intend to spend our money. If we aren't prudent in our purchases (my face is red after all I spent today) then there might not be enough when I really need it, and it could be a gift for him that I don't have money for if we aren't responsible with our money. He is 8 and really needs to get a handle on how to save and when to spend. Maybe he will become a man of means and will take care of his "poor grandparents".
I'm so very grateful to have him in our lives. He is a very bright young boy and is full of love. We were wondering if we would have any grandchildren when he was sent our way. Life changes in my son's work brought them back to Texas so we are closer to them now. Yes, he is one of our blessings and we are grateful for him and his "hard bargaining" positions.
I was just reading the news and discovered that the Texas Legislature may have banned ALL marriage in my state. I am so grateful to live in the weirdest state in the union with the weirdest legislators. Who woulda thunk that after nearly 50 years of marriage off and onish that the state where I was born, lived my entire life, graduated hight school and colleges here, paid taxes, married, bore children to live here, attended church in my red letter A state and now it is all for naught apparently. I had no idea my man and I were so avant garde in our life.
I read it and laughed..sort of. I hope this doesn't call for having to get married all over again...or worse have kids again. Oh Lordy! We have been living in "sin" for four years.
Read all about it here.
Art. 1 Sec. 32. MARRIAGE. (a) Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman. (b) This state or a political subdivision of this state may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage.
The amendment, added Nov. 8, 2005, is not a statement mired in legalese. In fact, it's pretty clear English. One thing that is identical to marriage is marriage ... and this clause bans that. The wording has now left many people wondering how such a blunder might have occurred, Radnofsky included.
"You do not have to have a fancy law degree to read this and understand what it plainly says," Radnofsky told the Star-Telegram. "I believe the clear language of B bans all marriages, and this is indeed a huge mistake."
Thank you, Texas the home of Former President George W. Bush and a bunch of his goofs, and Governor Perry who let the Gorvernor's residence burn down...or at least didn't persue with a whole lot of diligence capturing the arsonist, in my opinion. My state is something that brings you a laugh a day and a state that will cause you to be grateful you don't live here. Hmmm..I'm wondering about my medicare status now. Am I married to the man I've lived with nearly half a century? Oh My...I'll bet one of my grandmothers has rolled over in her grave and the other one is laughing herself silly.
Line drying clothes should be making a huge comeback except Homeowners Associations are very opposed to the clothesline. I can see they could be unsightly if they are the old T style posts with permanent lines with clothes pins on them. I think those are yucky and the pins get dirty.
A long time ago there was an art to hanging clothes and your sheets went on the outside and your undies were hung on the inside so as to not be tacky. Line drying sheets is a way to really save some cash on the electric bill. I don't have room now for hanging sheets, but I do have a line on the patio for hanging items of clothing that I do not want to put in the dryer...shrinkage is first and foremost in my mind. My clothes have a tendency to "shrink" on their own and do not need any help at all in that direction.
One of the dryers with square lines and a center pole would be my choice these days. I used to have regular lines with T posts and four lines. Before hanging clothes the lines had to be cleaned with a damp clean white cloth so no dirt was transferred to the laundry. We had a little bag for pins that slid along the line as clothes were hung. It was a metal and cloth contraption and handy as all get out. The clothes were taken outside in a laundry basket. We did not leave pins on the line. It was tacky and also they got dirty and could ruin your laundry with dirt marks on it.
Hanging clothes had another plus in staying up on how your neighbors were doing. It seemed we all hung laundry the same day mostly and we chatted across the fence while working. It made the time go faster and was a pleasant pastime. Now my fences are made of wood and I can't see my neighbors that much. Nobody hangs clothes anymore so no chatting over the fence, either.
On the days we did laundry everyone kept an eye out for rain clouds. I've run out and gathered laundry so many times when it would start to sprinkle. If it rained a LOT, then the clothes had to be rewashed and hung again. Also, if a blue norther came in while I was out the clothes would freeze, and there isn't a real freeze dried option with a bunch of wet clothes. That is what it is. Blue northers come from the north or northwest with a line of blue/black clouds followed by really cold weather. I haven't seen one in a while, so maybe they are due to come back again. Sand storms were another weather condition to strike horror in the hearts of women whose laundry was on the line. There were lots of sand storms in the fifties when I was growing up. It was a time of great consternation when that happened, because everything had to be rewashed and the house cleaned to get the sand out. I don't miss those at all.
I found this site while looking for background and actually there was an email detailing how to hang laundry a while back, but I didn't find it. Here is the link to Texas Mama's blog. I think everyone who read it loved sheets that had been line dried. I did, too. Especially if they had been ironed after being brought in. But line dried sheets smelled so wonderfully clean, and if they hadn't been ironed they were wonderfully scratchy a little. Texan Mama has a bunch of pictures of some fancy lines with gears and such. There is also a picture of a woman using a 2x4 to prop up her line of clothes in the middle so they didn't drag the ground and get dirty all over again.
When I was young my family was pretty large. Three children and the two of us could generate a good bit of laundry and ironing. I was a happy woman when fashion turned to polyester, especially for kids and husbands. I wore my share, too. You didn't have to iron it and that was such a wonderful release from the ironing board. Ironing is a whole other story for another time. There are many tips about that. About that time our dryer started getting more and more of a workout and they art of hanging clothes on the line dropped off to not that often. I didn't use the pinning technique she shows on her blog. We used one pin on one side and on the other two garments and one pin. That made the pins go farther and the space on the line was utilized in a good way.
Oh yes...I am truly grateful to have a dryer and not feel too guilty using it to dry our clothes. I have two indoor hanging racks for the clothing I do not care to put in the dryer. Ooops there goes the ding on the dryer signalling the clothes are dry.
November 18th -Today I'm grateful for having an automobile that doesn't give me a lot of trouble. In Texas there is not much public transportation so I am most grateful to have a car to get around. It is 10 years old and still runs very well. The finish is still good and the seats are comfortable. It has been paid off for many years and not having a car payment is really nice. I nearly had a fit of envy over my dil's new car, but was able to beat that demon down.
This morning it is really pretty brisk...nearly freezing and I'm particularly grateful for my heavy robe. It is so warm and snugly. It is only for the really cold days...otherwise it would be way too warm. So, I'm grateful to have some cold weather, too.
On the in law front, my husband went to the court yesterday and he is now their guardian. The nurse from the assisted living place is going out to talk to them today. She will evaluate them to see if they are able to manage in an apartment type setting. That way they could have some of their furniture from home, but have 24/7 care. The facility is very close to where we live and it would be easy for us to pick them up to come over for a visit. The facility has a van to take them for other appointments. It would be such a break for my husband to not have to take them for every appointment.
November 17th-Today I am so grateful for the abundance and variety of food in our grocery stores. Every now and then I look up while I'm shopping in my local Kroger or other supermarket and am amazed at the amount of food in the store. It is almost mind boggling to me. We truly do live in a land of plenty and I am grateful to have the resources to be able to buy enough for us to stay full and probably gain plenty of weight, at least we have so far. We also take time to make a contribution to our local food bank for those who are not so fortunate. I am grateful to have the money to be able to help someone. I think the food banks are very good things indeed.
I have a meeting this morning and I'm writing to keep from getting ready and going. It is cold out and pretty windy, as well. Hubby had left last night to pick up some rxs for his folks and to go fix them dinner when I heard there was a frost warning for last night. It was quite the hassle to rush about trying to drag all the tropical plants up onto the covered patio and putting up sheets on the perimeter to keep them from dying. When I got home from knitting group he got my little heater that goes in the greenhouse and put it on the patio. The plants look pretty happy this morning. However, they are predicting a freeze tonight, so I guess it may be time to put all the plants into the greenhouse. Last Sunday the temperature was 80 degrees. Texas is a hard place to garden sometimes and I am grateful for the guidance I have received over the years to learn to pick the varieties that will flourish here. I need to get the camera and dl the pix taken around the yard.
Today is the day my husband goes to the court about his parents. He has talked to the assisted living people and it is our belief that there will be room for them there. I pray it all works out. He told me this morning his parents have lost the key to the front door now. Send a little prayer that things will begin to look up for the in laws soon. Hubby brought home a diagram of the apartment they would have and it looks pretty nice. It has a bedroom and a living room with a small kitchen. There is a fridge, but I'm not sure if there is a microwave or not.
November 16-Monday So far this morning I'm grateful for central heating. It is a very brisk 46F with a 40 mph gusts. I'm most grateful I don't have to go to work and I've decided to not attend water aerobics this morning. I truly do love and am grateful for indoor air conditioning and heat. *shiver* This isn't just a November 16th is a year around thing.
Saw this little dealy about the Jane Austen characters. I'm pretty sure it can be manipulated by knowing the character, but I was pleased with the final product. I think Emma Thompson is one of the finest actors of our time.
While reading "Luckie" I saw where she is going to be posting about something she is grateful for each day. From her website I went to someone else's who was linked from there. I was all set to go about writing about all that I'm grateful for when I noticed her graphic was linked to South Breeze Farm who is actually the real one to be hosting a "Giving Thanks Challenge". Each day of November everyone has been posting something they are thankful for. I'll have to play catch up pretty hard and fast for a while. However, there are so many things for which to be thankful it shouldn't take long.
Today is November 15th-Sunday-and my husband and I have had our youngest daughter staying with us off and on for most of the past week. Love her as we do, we were both a little thankful she is on the road home to Austin. I'm sure she is thankful, too.
November 14th-Saturday-Our daughter took her dad to the TCU football game for his birthday. His alma mater won by a huge margin. They were thankful to see the game live and to have someone take them to the game and pick them up. My husband was grateful to get to sit after visiting so many of her friend's tailgate parties. They ate all sorts of wonderful food. They were grateful for that bonus.
November 13-Friday-My husband's birthday was November 13th. I'm very grateful to have him as my partner in life. He is funny and such a good man.
November 12th-Thursday-Our daughter returned "home" from work that has taken her all around the state. It was good to spend time with her again, and get caught up since last Monday.
November 11-Wednesday-I attended a class at the YMCA that was a dance class...Zumba or something like that. I'm grateful to be able to sort of keep up with them, but think maybe the low impact water aerobics is a better place for me at this time. You would have laughed yourself silly to see all us old folks shimmying and stuff. It was pretty hysterical and it was toned down for the older crowd.
I can't tell you how grateful I was for this class to end. *angelic smile* And he doesn't shimmy as much as we did. I was also very grateful the class had been toned down a bit for our age....but not that much after looking at this video.
Also, we got free tickets to see Garrison Keillor of "A Prairie Home Companion" toward the end of November or December 1st and I was truly grateful for them! I love that show.
This day is, also Veterans Day and we are grateful to all the soldiers who have to leave their families at home to be on duty caring for our nation. The Y offers water aerobics for those of us who are somewhat older and have arthritis issues. The ladies in this class are funny and friendly. I'm grateful I'm with such kind women and able to manage the class.
November 10-Tuesday-I was so grateful to have Diet 7UP and some crackers to help me through the day after I have to take the Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis and I'm so very grateful it is only once a week I have to take the stuff. It was very nice to have the tv to help pass the time, too.
November 9-Monday is the day my knitting group meets for a bite to eat and to knit and chatter about what all has been going on in our lives. It is also another day I attend water aerobics. I'm telling you...I'm going to have arms just like Michelle Obama before long. :o)
November 8th-Sunday-We were grateful to our son and daughter in law and grandson for inviting us to meet them halfway from our hometowns for lunch, because our son had to be out of town on his dad's birthday. It was very nice to see them. And my dil has a new car. I had to battle the demon "Envy" for a couple of days, but managed defeat it. :o)
November 7th-Saturday-My knitting group got together to see the play "Menopause:The Musical". It was so much fun to have women to laugh with about this. My daughters and daughter in law are peri-menopausal and I know it can be miserable...they are living so much in denial about it. I am grateful for my friends.
November 6th-Friday-I am grateful to still be able to work in my little garden some, my poor husband winds up planting most of it. My husband and I went to the nursery to purchase pansies and other winter pretty plants.
November 5th-Thursday-I repaired a house dress for my 91 year old mother in law. I was grateful for the sewing machine that has a fancy stitch to repair tri-corner tears. The joy of her has been dimmed by Alzheimer's disease that has ruined her mind. She is not violent and that it truly a blessing. My father in law has become as confused as she, but we are working toward getting them into Assisted Living. There are a lot of hoops through which to jump to get there. I'm grateful for that, too. It keeps people from having parents locked away when they become a burden and not that they have serious problems.
November 4th-Wednesday-Actually, I'm very grateful to have remembered this much information about what I'm grateful for.
November 3rd-Tuesday-I think I rested on this day of yucky methotrexate fall out. I was grateful to be able to rest for a while.
November 2nd-Monday-Water aerobics in the morning, then getting ready to attend a funeral for my best friend's mother. I am grateful I had the opportunity to know such a kind lady.
November 1st-We attended a visitation for my best friend's mother. We got the opportunity to talk to some of the family members about how sad it was that she had passed. She was 96 years old and had been in very poor health for some time.
I'll bet you are grateful I'm done with this for today and I promise there won't be another two week's worth of gratefulness.
T.C.U. plays football tonight! TCU is ranked 4th (undefeated this year), and Utah is ranked 14th, but still no game on tv. The game is sold out to 50,000 fans with standing room only. My husband and daughter got tickets last Sunday and are out there to cheer for their beloved horned frogs...not really a frog, but a lizard. A win tonight, they are favored by 20 points, may result in a bowl game in January.
CNN was on campus this morning before 9am....that is when they were on ESPN. Cheerleaders were cheering and jumping, great huge signs were being waved about, and everyone was ecstatically happy to be seen on ESPN. Tailgating started about then. One of my daughter's friends was going to be out there setting up his tailgate party this morning. The game started at 6:30 this evening. I can't remember what mine took to contribute, but their friend, Garfield, was going to go by Fina's Tortilla Factory and pick up a bunch of tamales. I saw one 6 pack go into an ice chest/bag, so I guess they aren't planning on drinking much. They have a ride home and hopefully it won't be me. I'd hate to have to get down in that mess tonight.
We got the tickets to see Garrison Keillor in the mail today!! I was wondering why I'd mailed something to myself....memory is going I guess. We'd forgotten about the Self Addressed Stamped Envelope...duh.
This is so exciting I can barely stand to have to wait until he gets here. Hope he is taking really good care of himself. Mr. Keillor usually has his shows farther north than WAY farther north than here...Like in Minnesota..not Texas. I'm so happy he is expanding...well, he is promoting a new book, but his stories are so not Texan. But in a way they are about universal truths. I may not be a resident of Lake Wobegone or shop at Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery, but in some ways I am and do. I'm not making any sense here. Just wanted to tell you the tickets came! YAY!
Thank you for keeping me and mine safe when it was hot, cold, raining, windy,and flooding. Your own family is not with you, but trying to keep home and hearth together while you are away. Your children are growing without your influence. Thank you for paying the price for our freedom, because freedom isn't free. The cost can be very high. My husband and I will remember your spirit on 11/11/09 by flying our flag in your honor and we Remember, She Served, Too and she, too, is a veteran.
Went to see "Menopause:The Musical" yesterday with the knitting group and laughed so hard. Melli, you were right nearly. It was a very funny play...we stopped on the way home and got a bite to eat.
Sunday-Ironed sheets for upstairs bedroom that I didn't get done yesterday. Now the kid has clean ironed sheets. Met our son and his family to celebrate my husband's birthday next week, because our son will be out of town. Came home and grabbed a little nap before the youngest got here. Thank goodness she stopped and got a frozen pizza and some brownies. We watched the Cowboy football game and now it is bedtime.
So, maybe tomorrow will bring something funny to mind.
I'm not sure I'm up to full pages of a post after yesterday's madness, but I did want to share with anyone who is interested, and I haven't driven crazy that tomorrow night's A Prairie Home Companion radio show looks to be a really good one. Ya'll are probably sort of glad for a rest. I'll be looking for a parking place.
Kids will be coming and going all weekend and so will I. Tomorrow is the "Menopause; The Musical" afternoon and then the PHC show from 5-7pm. Our youngest daughter will be coming in Sunday for a stop on her way to other parts of Texas. Our son and his family want to celebrate his dad's birthday this weekend, because he will be out of the state on business during the actual birthday time.
And..oh Lord..the in laws chapter 200. My mil has decided she must have a doctors appointment but is unable to find it on the calendar. We have all told her she doesn't, but well, you know. She got the whole calendar down and found one in July by golly! My husband had to tell her that it is now November. She thought about that for a minute and said...Somebody has a birthday in November. Her son has a birthday in November. It hurt him so much to realize she has reached that point in this wicked illness that takes memories and sense away. God love her, she was always one of the smartest women I've ever known and remembered everything.
I've chosen not to post about the great sadness that happened Friday at 1:34pm. There is nothing I can do to make anyone feel better about it and a moment of silence will be my statement.
Oh Joy! We saw in the paper today that Garrison Keillor and his Prarie Home Companion show will be in Arlington for a perfomance. The tickets will be first come first served. The rules are to send in an envelope with a stamped self addressed envelope inside. Hopefully ours will get there in time so we will get some tickets. If not, then I'll listen on the radio like it was made to be enjoyed.
Oh arrgghhh..I was running late this morning even with the extra hour to sleep and nearly was late for my first water aerobic class. However we got the paperwork taken care of and got me headed toward the pool when I noticed my keys were not with me. I had to go all the way back to the front of the building to get them off the counter where I'd left them. Beginning Alzheimer's I'm sure. It is a slippery slope when you get on the far side of 50.
The women in the water aerobic class are pretty darned good, and they nearly kicked my rear today! I was pretty tired and sore when we were through. There a good number of older women who I think were ringers for the rockettes or something. They knew how to do the Hokey Pokey! I had mostly forgotten. My friends who have been badgering me to come on and do the water aerobics class with them...and Oh my how much fun it is!! Well, they weren't there. It was ok though, the ladies in that class were really friendly and fun. I did give one of the knitter/water aerobic/church worker a hard time tonight and found she had worked a church bazaar this past weekend. So she was forgiven. I'm sure the other one had a fine excuse, too.
So, after being humiliated by a bunch of little ole ladies I had to race home, shower and get on the road to attend a funeral. One of my friend's mother passed away this last weekend and they were having a graveside service. The weather was beautiful today. I guess if you want an outside funeral this would have been the day I'd pick. Her death was not unexpected and she had hospice and her family with her when she went from this world to the next. One really nice thing that stood out so much was her grandson who is in his 20s played a classical music selection on his guitar. It was really beautiful and a wonderful tribute to his grandmother.
Then we were back in the car racing back across town, but by another way due to road construction we had seen while going out that way. It was different and I so wished I had my camera with me to take so snaps of the stockyard area...that is where Billy Bob's, the world's largest Honky Tonk is located. You know the bar with the electric bull. That part of town is actually steeped in history. Tim Love, he won on Great Chef's a while back has an eating establishment down there called The Love Shack. He also owns another restaurant called Lonesome Dove. He is a way cool chef and is on our local tv morning shows fairly often. Did I mention he is pretty hot, too? Sadly we left the Stockyards and headed home for a quick rest.
Hubby had to go over to his folks to heat up their dinner. Sometime during today when I was somewhere and he was here he called over to his parents and the Social Worker was there evaluating his parents. He talked with the caretaker and that is how he found out she was there. He was sort of dreading going over, but off he went. They didn't remember anyone being there. This puts us one step closer to getting them into assisted living...and actually is a good thing. We have to go through the process to be able to get them the proper care they need, and to keep from going insane ourselves. If you have been with me, you know how long it has been going on and how they just keep going downhill. It has been one of the saddest things to see their mental faculties diminish so much.
Tonight was knitting night and I didn't get much done, but did some inquiring as to how they thought it would look to make a scarf with three working strands on a pair of size 50 needles. I'd tried with some size 15s, but that was not going to work. The yarn worked up too tightly and just wasn't right. The fun part of tonight was picking up my ticket to "Menopause: The Musical". Our knitting group is going on Saturday afternoon, but one is going to see "Turandot", the opera. She dances to a different drummer and that is why we like her so. Also, if anyone is interested NASCAR is back at Texas Motor Speedway here in Texas. I guess we got it all going on here this weekend. *grin* All I have to do is make it through Wednesday and Friday workouts.
Hope you had a fun day and come on down to visit. It was was a beautiful day today and I hope it was where you are.
Today is "catch up day". Halloween is over now and the time has sprung forward. It is a chore getting all the clocks reset back to normal time. The Halloween decorations need to come down and put back in the garage until next year. It is a beautiful day outside today and it will be nice to get out after the last cool front the other day. The yard is like a bog it has rained so much. Hubby was cutting stray limbs on the Yaupon Holly yesterday and when I went out to pick up the brush it was like walking into a bog. Yuck!
We have started the semi-annual changing of the clocks. That takes a while, because I love clocks. My wristwatch took me a good bit of time to set. Twice a year I muddle around trying to figure how to set all the gadgets. Maybe I should get a Rolex...HA!
Also, needed to make out some cards for family and friends. My best rl friend's mother passed away last Friday morning. She was 96 and passed away in comfort. Also, needed to send a get well card to my husband's aunt. She broke her leg a week ago. She has osteoporosis and is very fragile. I've stepped up my calcium intake for sure! Also, am going to the YMCA tomorrow to sign up for water aerobics classes. They meet three times per week and some of the ladies from my knitting group are in the class. That will make it so much better to walk out looking like an orca in front of them. Sure it will!
I started the Christmas shopping this of magazines for the girls and I have either $15 or $20 left to spend on them. We are setting either a $20 or $25 limit this year on gifts and I can't remember right now. It is a challenge to either get a bunch of things for $20 or one twenty dollar gift. Our grandson is exempt from the monetary limit. I can't believe Christmas is nearly upon us and how quickly this year has gone by!
I think we are all ready for the two or three trick or treaters we will have tonight. It sure isn't like it used to be when I was a girl and a whole bunch of us would get together in our little costumes our moms and grandmothers had made for us to go out and knock on doors to get extort some candy from our neighbors. Our tactics usually resulted in all sorts of candy...we didn't know it wasn't a good thing. Sometimes someone who didn't have kids would give us a candied apple. Those were such a waste on us...we didn't really like them, but were polite when they were given. We would nearly fill up a pillow case and it was sugar overload for us....but at that time we didn't know it wasn't good for us. We were too busy playing and running all over the place.
On the weekend before Halloween my mother would have a party for the neighborhood. It was great fun for those who loved Halloween. Everyone would get dressed up and the neighbors would come in costume too, for the Halloween party. She LOVED getting things ready. She would peel grapes to simulate eyeballs, a bowl of cold spaghetti subbed for a bowl of brains-you were blindfolded and had to stick your hand in the bowl and tell what it was. There was a wash tub with apples for bobbing, and there would be Mulligan Stew (a hobo dish from the Great Depression-that should be in style for this year) for everyone later in the evening. All of this would be set up in the garage since it is usually mild in Texas this time of year, and the adults would hang together and the kids with the kids. I've noticed lately that some of the ideas, from my mother's era are coming back to the Halloween parties.
For some reason, Halloween is no longer one of my favorite holidays. It is one of the oldest holidays in history and the name is a corruption of the Catholic Church's All Hallows Eve. Halloween is the day before All Hallows Day, also known as All Saint's Day. The Celts celebrated the end of summer on October 31st and it was called Samhain (pronounced sow-in). That being said I just love seeing the kids dressed up out with their parents "demanding swag" from the neighbors with their little bitty voices saying in unison....twick o tweet!
Btw-I'm eating the candy corn and leaving the good stuff for the kids.
Halloween Facts from googling about, but the Halloween Facts post is would't let me paste the url about the Halloween Facts page. Oh well, it wouldn't be Halloween with out some spooky carring ons. I hope those teenagers who are 6'5" and loom over me don't show up tonight. It is pretty darn creepy to open the door to them. They are bigger than I am and probably twice as mean. We'll see. Old age and treachery might foil them for the evening. *evil grin*